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See what your email signatures can do

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Built for every business

Turbo-boost your team’s efficiency with Exclaimer. Manage email signatures for all users from a single interface and allow marketers to customize them with banners, icons, or surveys. 

Discover what you can do with Exclaimer today.


Fire-up consistent signatures for your whole organization.

Plan includes:

One Signature template

Centrally managed, organization-wide

Auto-update details with directory sync

Add banners, icons and headshots

Choose from a pre-built template library

Exclaimer is used by companies of all shapes, sizes and sectors. So we’ve created three pricing plans to match.

Empower IT and Marketing to thrive together 

Optimize email signature management and make room for the projects that fuel your team's growth. Plus, the benefits go beyond your team. By choosing Exclaimer, you give your Marketing colleagues the power to amplify the impact of every email sent.  
Discover what you do with Exclaimer today.

Most Popular


Open up new engagement opportunities with our most popular plan.

All the benefits of the Starter plan, plus:

Up to 10 Signature templates

Unique signatures for departments and teams

Schedule signatures and banners

Apply rotating banners

Users can add details like pronouns


Full power email engagement opportunities.

All the benefits of the Standard plan, plus:

Unlimited Signature templates

Advanced signature targeting and scheduling

Users can make unlimited edits to synced data

Flexible banner location placement

One-click surveys via multiple channels

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Built for
every business

Turbo-boost your email signatures

Get the power to create, control, and deploy company email signatures and fire up a new marketing channel with world-leading email signature management.

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Deliver consistent and legally compliant email signatures effortlessly 

Enable other teams to self-serve and manage their signatures themselves 

Centrally control email signatures for all users across all devices 

Deliver consistent and legally compliant email signatures effortlessly 

Centrally control email signatures for all users across all devices 

We’re trusted by over 60,000+ businesses worldwide

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View our plans

Start amplifying your emails

Make updates and changes instantly, ensuring consistency across the organization 

Automatically sync contact details with Azure Active Directory or Google Directory 

Allow others, like your marketing team, to design and update their signatures 

Choose from professionally designed templates or create custom ones 

Easily incorporate disclaimers, legal statements, and regulatory requirements into your email signatures 

Automatically sync contact details with Azure Active Directory or Google Directory 

Allow others, like your marketing team, to design and update their signatures 

Choose from professionally designed templates or create custom ones 

Easily incorporate disclaimers, legal statements, and regulatory requirements into your email signatures 

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Deliver personalized and relevant content in email signatures using merge fields and custom variables

Seamlessly integrate social media icons in email signatures, increasing your social reach and followers

Tailor messaging and content to resonate with specific audiences, increasing campaign relevance and effectiveness

Ensure your email signatures look great on all devices, including smartphones and tablets

Unlock the potential for:

Banner Campaigns

Easily design and deploy targeted banner campaigns within your email signatures to capture recipients' attention

Dynamic Content

Social Media Integration

Mobile Responsiveness

Advanced Targeting and Campaign Tracking

Messages land better when they’re personal – target campaigns by sender, recipient, date or time. And use our engagement dashboard to see the full impact of your campaigns. 

Join thousands of happy customers who use Exclaimer to:

Take control and ignite the potential of every employee's email signature

Boost campaigns and drive conversions using banners, graphics, and analytics

Keep every email on-brand and on-point with the right legal disclaimers and compliance messaging

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